Saturday, October 6, 2007

Here we go again...

Well, it's time for post number 3.

Just little bits and pieces today.

I am semi-interested in the upcoming election this week. The focus has been shifter from the priorities like health care, and the environment.

IMHO, whoever thought the focus for the PC campaign be the faith-based school funding (or private school funding, whatever), should be fired, or at least resign. The polls were close when the election started, and now, Mr "I will not raise taxes" McGuinty, seems to be pulling away and headed for another majority.

I'd go into it more, but hey, It's a Saturday. That's it for me today.....

I lied. Surprised? Probably not.

I just finished watching Fantastic 4: ROTSS. Not a bad movie. Not great either. I was impressed with the idea of Johnny Storm combining all 4 powers at once. Another thing, is the military that STUPID to trust Dr von Doom? The movie had good action, decent script, good actors, not long enough though, should have been at least 15 more minutes. My DVD player said 1 hour and 27 minutes when it was all over. 3/5 for the movie.

I said in a previous blog that I enjoy video games. There's absolutely no question about it.

I tend to get really into a game, and even though i have a fairly large collection; over 75 PS2 games, over 30 Gamecube games, about a dozen for my game boy; I really only play one or 2 at the same time. Lots of my games I tend to get lost in, and I loose track of time. Basically, anything with "Final Fantasy" in the title, you can pretty much forget about talking to me for about 4-5 hours...

Which leads me to one of my pet peeves... I really don't like to be talked to or bothered when I'm in the middle of something. Such as when I'm at work, some TLs "Team Leaders", walk by and talk to me to let me know of a meeting, or to come see them, or whatever they need to tell me. Some, not all, assume that I heard them loud and clear, when actually, I'm talking to a customer about their issue and I get distracted, loose my train of thought, and it complicates the issue further. That, on occasion, pisses me off.

On a completely different matter, I have to drive about 35-40 minutes into work 5 times a week, and then back home again at night. Typically, it is an uninteresting drive. So, I listen to lots of different music on the way there and back. I can get thru most of a CD in one trip. I do like to listen to Linkin Park, 30 Seconds to Mars, Breaking Benjamin, Nickelback, Evanescence, and there's plenty of others too. There is one song that I really think is appropriate on some days, "Lonely Day", by System of a Down. It's a good song, I'd recommend getting it off iTunes or going to the store to get it. I find the last line to be very good "It's a day that I'm glad I survived" Lots of days at work, because everyone had different days off in the week, sometimes I find myself by myself and no one to really talk to. Even just idle chat, about anything, sports, games, food, hell, even talking about women. Some days even though I am talking to people on the phones all day, it can get alone and depressing. Those days take FOREVER to get through.

Well, this post today has been unusually deep, I don't usually talk like that normally, so I'll try not to make a habit of it.

That's it for now. Out.



Anonymous said...

Aww, that's nice. Which "J"? I know a few, haha. And don't mind that last post- it wasn't directed at you. I know you care, lol ^_^ I was just in a baaaaaaaad moooood.

Anonymous said...

Oh okay. That's cool. Tell him I say hi back (even though he never emailed me which hurt my feelings >:^( Grr.)

Anonymous said...

Well written article.