Friday, October 5, 2007


Hello, it's me again!

Well, I got my car back this morning. It was what I expected, it cost me $1189.59. The part was $831.00, and the rest was labour.

My car runs fine, to be honest, it always did.

The sensor, which is above the fuel tank, was shot. Nothing with the car itself was wrong, but with the sensor out, it wouldn't tell me if anything WAS wrong or not. It had a "check gas cap" warning on the screen, it was friggin annoying. At least its fixed now.

Well, let's see.. onto other news.

I'll tell you a little about my job. I'm a Customer Service Representative working with AT&T. I handle any and all issues about cell phones. "Why is my bill high?", "Why is my phone not working?", and so on.

I think I'll tell you about a call I took from work today. I'll do this every once in a while. Why? Just because. It makes me feel better, I guess. Sometimes I just want to vent.

I will keep names anonymous, so I will just use generic names.

"Mrs Smith" calls into me, her RAZR phone is stuck on the main menu. Its frozen. They cant access any other option, they cant dial any phone number, or even turn the phone off. They took out the battery, put it back in, and the phone came back on to the very same screen, still frozen!

I call the replacement team, and I tell them what happened. I explain to "Bob" what happened. He asks me "have you taken the battery out while the phone was on?".

I say to myself, "What did I just tell you?!" I just sent the customer through, and who knows what happened then.

That is nothing compared to other stories I have, including a certain individual, who shall remain nameless in this Blog, who, lets just say, has fun on the phone.

Well, thats it for now, hope you enjoyed my little rant! It's not much, but its a start.




jill said...

Gotta love how the "replacement team" listens so carefully to everything you say, eh? You've inspired me. I'm gonna write an entry about the Pit too. Remember, no proprietary information! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh, and you can use my name. You have my permission ^_^