Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm back?

Hello once again!

Sorry for not typing the past little bit. I have been otherwise occupied. Sorry to the 2 people who read my blog! Oh well, I guess I need more friends.

Well, the Election of Ontario is just finishing up, with the Liberal party running away with it. Can't say I'm surprised. I went to vote. If you voted, great, but if not, for whatever reason, thats OK too. I don't mind to reveal my vote, I went Conservative. I don't have to mention names, because any who actually read this blog wont know who the hell I'm talking about.

Well, onto another story from the Verge. This was a call from just yesterday.

As always, names are changed.

"Mary" calls in and her insurance replacement has just arrived in the mail. When a replacement phone is sent, it has to be activated in the system. I take the numbers, and update them. Mary went to try to turn on the phone, it will not even turn on. I instruct the customer to remove the battery and also the smartchip, just to make sure the connection is clean. Mary has a hard time removing the chip. Before I could advise against it, the customer used a knife to remove the chip forcefully. They claim there was no damage to the phone, but I doubt it. We put everything back together. Phone still will not turn on. We even plugged in the charger, and still nothing. It took the customer about 5 minutes just to find where to plug the charger in on the phone. Finally, after all this, I call the insurance department, and I sent the customer through. Before I could do that, the customer started rambling about serial numbers, which we already went through before.

I did have another odd call today, only lasted about 1 minute. A customer calls in about her iPhone. They put me on hold right away, before I could even open the call. When they come back, they want to know if they can view their bank information in the browser of the phone. She was unable to log into her account. She wanted to talk to someone "who knows how the iPhone works." The iPhone is an Apple phone, and she is calling to AT&T about an Apple product. I just send her off to Apple. This was not a call I needed to stay on any longer than I needed to.

One other tidbit, I'm again not going to mention names. Someone who also takes phone calls, plays a few games. While on the call, they pick up their water bottle, and they twist it to make the cracking noise, while they are on a call. Sometimes also says this with the stereotype "Canadian" accent, like "aboot." I've also heard "newch" instead of "new" and also just some random noises, like "Bam Bam", and "yabba dabba do" I think they are hilarious.

Tomorrow, I actually have a day off from work. I plan to take full advantage of this. I plan to go out, and hang with my friends, most of which USED to work at the Con.

Well, just also want to mention that I updated the poll. I'll usually put one up and leave it up for the entire month, or change it depending on my mood.

Till next time! Out!


1 comment:

jill said...

Hahaha. The old "Take the sim out with a knife" trick. Classic. And I know who you're talking about at the end there... "Thank you for calling [LORETTA] AT&T Wireless!" LOL.

P.S.: Yay Liberals and yay Habs! Sorry, couldn't resist! XD