Saturday, November 17, 2007

Well, It's Been Awhile

I'm back after nearly a month long hiatus. Honestly, I've been busy dealing with work, my car, doctors, among other things.

Well, first off, I want to vent a little. What the hell is with the Leafs lately?!?! Yet another bonehead play by McCabe. When he's on his game, he is a real asset to team. More recently, as in twice in the past 2 weeks, he coughed up the puck that lead directly to the winning goal of the game. First he scored on his own net with four seconds in the game, and just a few days ago, lost the puck and gave the other player, lead to a breakaway, and then scored. One wonders why I don't usually watch many games now. I just can't take it anymore. Although I am comforted by the fact that the Canadiens aren't doing too good either. I do have a feeling that come next year, both teams will fight for the 8th spot in the East, and Toronto will take it, provided we can get a good goalie, and not rely on perennial backups Raycroft and Toskala.

Ahh, work! Everyday I say to myself, "What's my motivation to come here?". It takes me a few seconds to say the answer, and it's always the same too. "Money". I am loyal to the company, I have never not given a decent hard day's work there, and so far thats 2 years, 2 months and counting. I still have a few "personal" days to use left and the year is almost over. I get consistently good monitors on my calls, and I still feel that I'm not getting the recognition for it. It's not just me, I know dozens of people that feel the same way. I know the company is trying to change their attitude towards its employees. But the occasional $5 for the perfect survey, and the barbecue with hot dogs and hamburgers is really not cutting it.

Which brings me to another topic. I have been "offered" another position at work. There isn't an opening right now, but I've been told to apply for a "resolution specialist." It is a pay raise. There are both pros and cons to that. Almost every call will me someone who is already pissed off. Mostly it isn't because they were treated badly (in fact, most of the reps I work with are nice enough to the customer), but it's the fact that the customers want something so outrageous, it borders on the brink of insanity. Most customers want something for nothing. Like having to pay nothing for their monthly bill, or a new phone for free and to have no contract either. I don't want to have to deal with that every hour of every day. Next, once you move up in the ranks, you start with the crap shifts again. By that, I mean starting at 4 in the afternoon and finishing after midnight. That means adjusting to a new schedule. Finally, I would all but abandon the gang I hang out with all the time. It really isn't professional to have friends or hang out with the people working under you. I got some time to think about it. We'll see what happens.

You may have noticed that I changed my profile a bit. I figured it was time. Same old boring look, was getting tiring. Plus, I've been told the background wasn't nice on the eyes, when used on older monitors that have faded. So, I changed it. I also put a new poll up. I'm leaving it up until the end of the year, so vote please!

I suppose I have written enough for now.



Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Car Story - Part 2

Damn! Sorry I've taken so long to make any kind of post on by blog. I've really been real busy being: frustrated, tired, angry, working, pissed off, etc...

Well, I got my car fixed almost 2 weeks ago. Then on Friday October 19th, I was driving home from work, and my car AGAIN had the "check gas cap" light came on. A day later, the engine light came on. So, we (my dad and me) called in to the dealership and asked what the heck was going on and can we make another appointment to check it out? We got it in that same day, and my dad dropped me off at work. It turns out that when they replaced the part, they "pinched a gasket".

Main thing... they replaced that part at no charge. Also gave me a free car wash and oil change. So, it's fixed again, I'm hoping it stays that way!

Onto other matters, as my friend Jill would know, "DC" had his last day at work this past Friday. 2 bosses came and pulled him into a room, 5 minutes later, he came back and got his stuff, and left the building forever. He was smiling all the way. I seriously doubt that he will be coming back to the Verge.

Lets see... WHAT IS HAPPENING IN TORONTO?!?! We lost to ATLANTA!!! They had a BACKUP goalie in net, and we still lost in a shootout. Something needs to be done. I don;t think we need to get rid of the coach. It isn't his fault. He has nothing to work with. They really need to scrap the entire defense and get some good players. Not great, but good. That way, we don't have to loose on the salary cap too much and we can work on them long term. Goal tending actually is not a major issue. They really should choose 1 starter and stick with them. Toskala is a good goalie, he did make some impressive saves last night. When their facing over 30 shots a game, something is not right there.

That's really it for now.



Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm Bored...

Hello, once again. I've been forgetting about my blog.

Well, my job just got a bit different. People are starting to leave. 3 people I know and really hang out with have left, and things will get a bit quieter without them. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're getting the hell out of there. If I could, I would get out too. There are several circumstances why I can't really leave. Pretty much down to a few reasons that circle around one thing ($$$). Kind of like the chicken in the egg analogy, In order to go to where I want to go, it's gonna cost me $$$. In order to move closer and get out on my own, I need $$$. Which begs the question, is the potential new job worth the $$$?

Enough of that, What the heck was McCabe thinking when he was trying to clear the puck towards HIS OWN NET!!! There was 4 seconds left in OVERTIME and he could of tried it clear it to the other side of the net, or pass it to someone else, 4 seconds SHOULD be easy enough to kill, or just fall down on the puck to protect it for the last few seconds. I do realize that the Leafs do have some things to work out, but come on, that was a BONEHEAD play!

I do see that my hit counter in the side of my page shows some people have actually at least viewed my blog. I guess that is somewhat encouraging. I really need more friends, I need to learn how to network more.

Lets see, what else? I just got a new cell phone last week. I got a new Sony Ericsson W300i. 2 year contract with Rogers. Its got a decent camera, it is a Walkman, so I can listen to lots of music on it. It came with a 512MB micro memory chip. I already filled it and it's down to 11MB left. I got about 100 songs on it, not too bad. Came with a good battery, it will last awhile before I have to charge it. I would recommend that phone to anyone who wants a phone that does everything.

I also just went to a certain video store, and picked up a few movies at a discount price. I picked up Office Space, Dodgeball, a Star Trek Collection set, and the Street Fighter Movie. I watched Dodgeball movie, and, it is hilarious. It does have some unnecessary moments, like when the kid, Justin (played by Justin Long) is a cheerleader (the kind that holds up the girls so they can do stunts), and he has a bad experience. I'm not going to spoil the part, but I don't think it was needed. Still, a good movie, 4/5. I visit the Internet Movie Database to check out info for movies, its' a great site, definitely check it out!

That's it for now.

Like always, Out!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm back?

Hello once again!

Sorry for not typing the past little bit. I have been otherwise occupied. Sorry to the 2 people who read my blog! Oh well, I guess I need more friends.

Well, the Election of Ontario is just finishing up, with the Liberal party running away with it. Can't say I'm surprised. I went to vote. If you voted, great, but if not, for whatever reason, thats OK too. I don't mind to reveal my vote, I went Conservative. I don't have to mention names, because any who actually read this blog wont know who the hell I'm talking about.

Well, onto another story from the Verge. This was a call from just yesterday.

As always, names are changed.

"Mary" calls in and her insurance replacement has just arrived in the mail. When a replacement phone is sent, it has to be activated in the system. I take the numbers, and update them. Mary went to try to turn on the phone, it will not even turn on. I instruct the customer to remove the battery and also the smartchip, just to make sure the connection is clean. Mary has a hard time removing the chip. Before I could advise against it, the customer used a knife to remove the chip forcefully. They claim there was no damage to the phone, but I doubt it. We put everything back together. Phone still will not turn on. We even plugged in the charger, and still nothing. It took the customer about 5 minutes just to find where to plug the charger in on the phone. Finally, after all this, I call the insurance department, and I sent the customer through. Before I could do that, the customer started rambling about serial numbers, which we already went through before.

I did have another odd call today, only lasted about 1 minute. A customer calls in about her iPhone. They put me on hold right away, before I could even open the call. When they come back, they want to know if they can view their bank information in the browser of the phone. She was unable to log into her account. She wanted to talk to someone "who knows how the iPhone works." The iPhone is an Apple phone, and she is calling to AT&T about an Apple product. I just send her off to Apple. This was not a call I needed to stay on any longer than I needed to.

One other tidbit, I'm again not going to mention names. Someone who also takes phone calls, plays a few games. While on the call, they pick up their water bottle, and they twist it to make the cracking noise, while they are on a call. Sometimes also says this with the stereotype "Canadian" accent, like "aboot." I've also heard "newch" instead of "new" and also just some random noises, like "Bam Bam", and "yabba dabba do" I think they are hilarious.

Tomorrow, I actually have a day off from work. I plan to take full advantage of this. I plan to go out, and hang with my friends, most of which USED to work at the Con.

Well, just also want to mention that I updated the poll. I'll usually put one up and leave it up for the entire month, or change it depending on my mood.

Till next time! Out!


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Happy Pre-Thanksgiving!?

I'm back again. Today is my Thanksgiving. Why? Like many people, I did not get the Monday off from work. They give out a form at work asking if you want to "volunteer" to work on Thanksgiving, (October 8th) Yes or No. I, and many others I know at work, selected "No". Not one of us got the day off.

To be honest, though, it's better for me to work it. Reason for that is that my family is coming down for dinner today. Tomorrow, is just a regular day, and I get holiday pay at work, and nothing different to do at work. So, in this case, I'll take it.

I just hope the Christmas holidays work out better for days off. Yes, I realize I'm spoiled that some people may not even get the option to take days off for various reasons.

Well, lets see, what else is new? Nothing too much else really.

I recently got out the old Sega Genesis and Sega CD system. It still works. I'm playing the Eternal Champions game. Its basically a Street Fighter clone. It's not a bad game, considering its now, like 15 years old now. I also ordered the sequel for it off eBay. I was the only bidder in the auction. Total cost: 1 cent! Shipping: $5.99. Grand Total: $6.00! Not half bad. I expect to get it this week. The game is gory though. I'm shocked how violent that game is. That was even before the time they had that ESRB game rating system. Let's just say, keep away the squeamish!

What I also like to do, before I turn in for the night at around 1 - 2 am, is throw in any old DVD or VHS movie, let it play in the background, and fall asleep. What astounds me, is that about 50% of the time, the movie is ejected from the player in the morning, but I have my player set to not do that, just stop once its finished. Which means I stop it and eject the movie WHILE I'M SLEEPING!!! Thats a little creepy to me, especially because I put the remote on the table beside me, so I cant roll over it when I'm sleeping.

I really cant think of anything else to type for now. Perhaps I'll talk more tonight, or tomorrow night after I get back from work. In fact, next time I'll tell another story from the 'Verge.

Till Next Time!


Saturday, October 6, 2007


Tonight, the Toronto Maple Leafs of the NHL beat the Montreal Canadiens, 4 to 3 in Overtime! What a great game! I watched in High Definition on my dad's big projection screen! We had it ALL THE WAY!

I was just chatting with my friend Jill on MSN a few minutes ago, and she had made a wager between her Canadiens and my Maple Leafs. If the Maple Leafs beat Montreal in the standings, she will dye her hair BLUE! If the Canadiens beat Toronto...well... I havent decided what I will do if that happens. So I'll put it this way... IT WON'T HAPPEN!

You've probably also noticed that I changed the colour of my blog. I figured it could use some improvement. Comment on it both ways. If you like it, great, if not, let me know. I can take criticism.

Well, considering this is my second post today, I think I'll leave it at that for now....

No, this time I'm not kidding. Out!


Here we go again...

Well, it's time for post number 3.

Just little bits and pieces today.

I am semi-interested in the upcoming election this week. The focus has been shifter from the priorities like health care, and the environment.

IMHO, whoever thought the focus for the PC campaign be the faith-based school funding (or private school funding, whatever), should be fired, or at least resign. The polls were close when the election started, and now, Mr "I will not raise taxes" McGuinty, seems to be pulling away and headed for another majority.

I'd go into it more, but hey, It's a Saturday. That's it for me today.....

I lied. Surprised? Probably not.

I just finished watching Fantastic 4: ROTSS. Not a bad movie. Not great either. I was impressed with the idea of Johnny Storm combining all 4 powers at once. Another thing, is the military that STUPID to trust Dr von Doom? The movie had good action, decent script, good actors, not long enough though, should have been at least 15 more minutes. My DVD player said 1 hour and 27 minutes when it was all over. 3/5 for the movie.

I said in a previous blog that I enjoy video games. There's absolutely no question about it.

I tend to get really into a game, and even though i have a fairly large collection; over 75 PS2 games, over 30 Gamecube games, about a dozen for my game boy; I really only play one or 2 at the same time. Lots of my games I tend to get lost in, and I loose track of time. Basically, anything with "Final Fantasy" in the title, you can pretty much forget about talking to me for about 4-5 hours...

Which leads me to one of my pet peeves... I really don't like to be talked to or bothered when I'm in the middle of something. Such as when I'm at work, some TLs "Team Leaders", walk by and talk to me to let me know of a meeting, or to come see them, or whatever they need to tell me. Some, not all, assume that I heard them loud and clear, when actually, I'm talking to a customer about their issue and I get distracted, loose my train of thought, and it complicates the issue further. That, on occasion, pisses me off.

On a completely different matter, I have to drive about 35-40 minutes into work 5 times a week, and then back home again at night. Typically, it is an uninteresting drive. So, I listen to lots of different music on the way there and back. I can get thru most of a CD in one trip. I do like to listen to Linkin Park, 30 Seconds to Mars, Breaking Benjamin, Nickelback, Evanescence, and there's plenty of others too. There is one song that I really think is appropriate on some days, "Lonely Day", by System of a Down. It's a good song, I'd recommend getting it off iTunes or going to the store to get it. I find the last line to be very good "It's a day that I'm glad I survived" Lots of days at work, because everyone had different days off in the week, sometimes I find myself by myself and no one to really talk to. Even just idle chat, about anything, sports, games, food, hell, even talking about women. Some days even though I am talking to people on the phones all day, it can get alone and depressing. Those days take FOREVER to get through.

Well, this post today has been unusually deep, I don't usually talk like that normally, so I'll try not to make a habit of it.

That's it for now. Out.


Friday, October 5, 2007


Hello, it's me again!

Well, I got my car back this morning. It was what I expected, it cost me $1189.59. The part was $831.00, and the rest was labour.

My car runs fine, to be honest, it always did.

The sensor, which is above the fuel tank, was shot. Nothing with the car itself was wrong, but with the sensor out, it wouldn't tell me if anything WAS wrong or not. It had a "check gas cap" warning on the screen, it was friggin annoying. At least its fixed now.

Well, let's see.. onto other news.

I'll tell you a little about my job. I'm a Customer Service Representative working with AT&T. I handle any and all issues about cell phones. "Why is my bill high?", "Why is my phone not working?", and so on.

I think I'll tell you about a call I took from work today. I'll do this every once in a while. Why? Just because. It makes me feel better, I guess. Sometimes I just want to vent.

I will keep names anonymous, so I will just use generic names.

"Mrs Smith" calls into me, her RAZR phone is stuck on the main menu. Its frozen. They cant access any other option, they cant dial any phone number, or even turn the phone off. They took out the battery, put it back in, and the phone came back on to the very same screen, still frozen!

I call the replacement team, and I tell them what happened. I explain to "Bob" what happened. He asks me "have you taken the battery out while the phone was on?".

I say to myself, "What did I just tell you?!" I just sent the customer through, and who knows what happened then.

That is nothing compared to other stories I have, including a certain individual, who shall remain nameless in this Blog, who, lets just say, has fun on the phone.

Well, thats it for now, hope you enjoyed my little rant! It's not much, but its a start.



Thursday, October 4, 2007

My first blog.

Well lets get thing rolling.

I guess I should start with the basics.

Me. My name is Ken Woronchak. I'm 22 years old.

I live with a great family, and I wouldn't be where I am today without them.

That said, onto what my blog is going to be about.

Pretty much anything that comes out of my skull..

I have plenty I could talk about from where I work, Convergys. It can be known by several different names, such as: The Hole, The Pit, The Verge, The Con, and a few others that I prefer not to mention, not even in this blog.

I am also very good at anything regarding video gaming. Be it PC on console, I can pick up a controller and can instantly play almost any game and beat anyone at it. Although, my sister, who is younger than me, can kick my ass at Soul Calibur 3 on the PS2...

I also own a 2004 chevy Malibu LS. It is a good car that gets me around, but today, it just cost me $1184! I'll explain that later in a future post.

Well, thats it for now. I'm too tired to think of anything else at the moment.

g'night to any and all who read this!

Nekk (My name backwords, plus an extra "K" for no good reason)