Thursday, January 3, 2013


Oh Man...It's been over 4 YEARS since my last post! Since that time, some things have changed, others have stayed the same. Rather than have an essay long post for everything, I'm going to try to keep things scaled back... if I can help it... Anyway, where to begin? Well, I'm 27 now, and still working at the same place I was when I started this blog back in 2007. In one of my earlier posts I mentioned that I got a new PS3. Well, a few months ago it died. It would turn on, then the light would blink for a few seconds, then it would power off. Worst thing of all is I had a game disc in there, WWE 12. I got luck, i hit the eject and it spit the game out and then it powered off again. Turns out it overheated. I was royally PISSED OFF! Thankfully, I didn't lose much. All my game saves were stored on the "cloud." Still, it happened on a Sunday morning, my one day off that week. I did eventually purchase a newer system, 250GB, and top loading as well. I'll eventually upload pictures once I get them off of my iPhone. LOL! Once I got the new system (the next day after work) It turns on fine, but the online service is down, so I can't login to my account! I had to wait 24 hours until after work the next day to log back in. I then have to download all my save files again, and then all my downloaded games. THIS TOOK OVER 2 MONTHS TO GET BACK! I only have a 125GB download limit a month, and I used about 115GB that month! With that, I'm going to call it for now. I have more stuff to talk about, but I want to see about posting something every couple of nights. Maybe I'll post my entire game list for my PS3. Anyway, OUT! BTW, I have to give credit to my sister, as she is also blogging as well, so I'm getting back into it as well.